Sunday, February 13, 2011


Eli took his first steps today!

It was so cute to see Eli walking. I was so excited that both Bil and I were home for this momentous occasion.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wow, that resolution lasted all of a month. Not even that. Oh well.

Let's see. . . well I have wanted to cloth diaper Eli ever since I was pregnant and now we are looking into it. We have picked up a few different kinds off of ksl and craigslist and I am absolutely loving them. Eli really seems to like them as well. He just got over being sick and had a pretty bad diaper rash and it is completely cleared up now. We had just been using a cream and the disposables and his rash was not going away, but we switched to cloth and we also started putting bag balm on his rash and it cleared up in about 2 days.

Using the cloth diapers has spawned all new projects for me. I sewed all of our cloth wipes and made a solution for them. I also made a wet bag to keep soiled diapers in until they can be washed. I also made a smaller wet bag to keep in the diaper bag. I am kind of on a green/cloth kick at the moment. My inner hippy is coming out. I guess that was bound to happen since I grew up in the Pacific North West. I just started making reusable sandwich and snack bags (They are super cute...I'll have to post pictures later). I am also making a bunch of kitchen towels to reduce the amount of paper towels that we go through. I am pretty much trying to figure out any way that we can save a little money. And it just happens to be a lot of fun making all these things too. I think my next project will be attempting to make a cloth diaper, well the cover anyway. That might be a little further in the future, but I think that I can.

Monday, January 17, 2011

This last week was a lot of fun. We had Amelia over for a few hours while Mike and Elizabeth went to the temple. Eli loved getting to play with his cousin. She, however, was a little apprehensive about Bil, and did not like the idea of being held by him. We still had a lot of fun, she at least liked it when I held her.

Eli's new favorite thing to do is climb into his book crate and pull his toys out of his toy crate. He thinks he is so clever for figuring out how to get into the crates. It's really cute to watch. He is still cruising around on his hands and knees. He has attempted to stand on his own and can a little, but walking is still a little ways off. According to Bil it's because Eli has a sizable noggin. Sad, but true.

Eli also was very proud of himself for eating his lasagna. Naturally he ended up wearing more of it than eating it, but it was super cute and it was a good thing that we were getting into the shower after.

Bil had his audition this past Saturday for the New Testament videos that the church is putting out. We don't know yet if he has been cast or anything, but he thinks that he did well. Good luck to Bil!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Okay, I've been terrible about posting. My New Year;s resolution is to post every Sunday. So here is this week's.

Well, we are so glad to be back in our house after a crazy Christmas break. We loved visiting both our families and we saw almost everyone, but I think that we are done traveling for a while. Let's just say that everything that could go wrong pretty much did go wrong. Every leg of the trip had something. Things ranging from missing an exit on the freeway and adding 2 hours to the drive, to missing our final flight home. Overall it was an eventful 2 weeks, but Eli was a trooper through it all. We are so blessed to have such an easy going baby.

Eli got to celebrate Christmas 3 times this year. What a lucky kiddo. Our first Christmas was on the 17th before all our travels began, then Christmas day (of course) with Bil's family and then again on the 27th in Washington. He probably would have loved it if he had been old enough to know what was going on. All he knew was that there was a lot of colorful paper for him to eat. So cute. He did have a lot of fun with all his cousins though.

Merry Christmas and Happy new Year all!